
Chunjee is a long-standing member of the AutoHotkey community. He has a passion for clean, readable, and enjoyable code and has made significant contributions to the community, focusing on modern utility libraries that make development more enjoyable.


(v2) adash.ahk (GitHub) - Comprehensive collection of data manipulation methods to slice and dice arrays, strings, and tables. It also contains a wide assortment of smaller utilities and type checking shortcuts.

"It really keeps your code neat, minimal, and super readable. It’s a package that focuses on making code less cumbersome and more enjoyable."


(v1) biga.ahk (GitHub) - A modern immutable utility library.

"120% required for all AutoHotkey developers. I can't imagine going back to looping everything by hand again. One side-effect is that Large Language Models will be able to work with your code easier as well, as it conforms to modern development iterators"
Version Name Description
v1 string-similarity.ahk A utility library for comparing strings and calculating similarity scores
v1 stringc.ahk Another utility library for comparing strings and calculating similarity scores
v1 array.ahk Conversion of JavaScript's Array methods to AutoHotKey
v1 graphicsearch.ahk A powerful screen-searching library designed for image recognition
v1 expect.ahk rapid unit testing package
v1 midday.ahk Converts 24-hour time strings to 12-hour time strings and vice versa
v1 ngram.ahk A really small and fast ngram generator

Chunjee works in writing and maintaining APIs, he uses robust backend software standards to deliver data as quickly as possible.