Original post by jethrow on the AutoHotkey Archived Forums.
Object Name: HTMLFile
Purpose: Represents an HTML document. Can be used to read, write, & interact with HTML.
Documentation Link 1)
Other Links: W3Schools - Document Object
Basic Code Example - this example extracts all the text & URLs from the links on the Google Search Page:
;// download the webpage source URLDownloadToFile,, Google_HTML FileRead, html, Google_HTML FileDelete, Google_HTML ;// write the Google Source to an HTMLfile document := ComObjCreate("HTMLfile") document.write(html) ;// loop through all the links links := document.links while (A_Index<=links.length, i:=A_Index-1) list .= i ") " links[i].innerText "`nURL: " links[i].href "`n`n" ;// some URLs have "about:" rather than the domain StringReplace, list, list, about:,, All MsgBox, %list%
This next example shows how an HTMLfile object* can be used to create an HTML Control:
color := HtmlBgColor() ;// HTML to be added to a GUI: html = ( <body style='background-color:%color%;overflow:auto'> <span id='id' style='color:black'>text color</span> example </body> ) ;// create a simple GUI Gui, Add, Button, x6 y60 w55 h20, Red Gui, Add, Button, x71 y60 w55 h20, Blue Gui, Add, ActiveX, x0 y-5 w140 h50 vdocument, HTMLFile document.write(html) Gui, Show, x399 y246 w138 h86, HTML return GuiClose: Gui, Destroy ExitApp ButtonRed: ButtonBlue: document.all("id").style.color := SubStr(A_ThisLabel,7) return HtmlBgColor() { Format := A_FormatInteger SetFormat, IntegerFast, Hex color := SubStr(DllCall("GetSysColor", "int",15),3) SetFormat, IntegerFast, %Format% return SubStr(color,5,2) SubStr(color,3,2) SubStr(color,1,2) ;// switch from BGR -> RGB }
*Note - the HTMLfile object isn't required to accomplish this. You could simply write the HTML when adding the ActiveX Control:
Gui, Add, ActiveX, x0 y-5 w140 h50 vDocument, MSHTML:%html%
This post has an example of a completely HTML based GUI.
Microsoft stopped hosting their documentation for this object in 2017. The last archive of the page can be found here. All of Microsoft's links have been modified to redirect to Mozilla's generic "Document" documentation.