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AHK Studio
Ref: GitHub, AHK Studio Wiki, AHK Studio Forum
AHK Studio is an IDE for AutoHotkey written by maestrith that provides:
- Syntax Highlighting
- Syntax Suggestions
- Plugin Support
- And much more!
- Run scripts from the File/Run or File/Run x64 (for those who use the 32 bit install).
- Easy customization of themes Edit/Theme with a few that have been created by users. I will gladly add any themes that are submitted to me.
- Automatic help text for most commands (eg MsgBox, Control, SplashText…etc).
- Code Vault for adding code snippets to the program.
- Version Tracker with Github upload.
- Gist post your scripts.
- Split up projects into Segments to keep things neat under File/New Segment. (makes an include file)
- Special functions (Move Selected Lines Down, Create Comment Block, Character Count…etc)
- Msgbox Creator for easily creating more complex msgboxs.
- Personal Variable List: You can add anything to this list and it will come up with the list of other commands as you type them.
- Custom Highlight List: You can add anything to this list as well and it will change the color that it appears in the program.
- Customize every action with a hotkey, many of them are already assigned but they can be changed under Edit/Settings.
- FTP integration.
- Auto Insert: by default it will add, <> for <, [] for [, {} for {, () for (, and '' for '
- Quite a few more.