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You can check the releases of [[libraries:json:cjson]] for an example of what compiled code would look like in a script. MCL has a few extra features compared to other machine code tools, the big ones being: * Support for both C and %%C++%% * Includes some basic hand-written replacements for some of the most common standard headers * Support for both 32 and 64 bit * Allows very large constants (and Doubles, which GCC tends to promote to being a global constant, breaking code under other tools) * Allows exporting one or more functions to AutoHotkey * Allows exporting one or more global variables to AutoHotkey * Generates a wrapper with all the DllCalls/NumGet/NumPut calls pre-bound with offsets and types * Allows importing functions from external DLLs into the C/%%C++%% code, such as from the Windows API or any other DLL you have laying around * Generates standalone AutoHotkey code with the compiled machine code and wrappers, so you can include compiled code without including the MCL library. Altogether, MCL has just enough features that a solid subset of standard C code can be compiled under it, and run (more or less) fine. The primary goal of MCL is to enable much more complex machine code functions/libraries without resorting to a dll. For example [[libraries:json:cjson]] which is compiled under MCL, and makes use of global variables, "exporting" multiple functions, and floating point numbers. MCL also supports a tiny subset of %%C++%% (no STL, exceptions, or RTTI). For example, see [[|the SpookyHash test]], which uses a %%C++%% implementation of the [[|SpookyHash]] hashing algorithm. MCL also adds the ability for code to "import" functions from DLLs in the same way you can with ''DllCall''. This feature doesn't replace DLL files, and isn't the primary goal of the project. Just think of it as a cherry on top. And a (low level) warning for this feature: There is a bug with mingw-w64 compilers which results in the stack being misaligned, which will cause a crash the next time a Windows API (or standard library) function is called from your C/%%C++%%. This bug can be tracked [[|here]]. For an example of "importing" functions, see [[user:cloakersmoker]]'s [[|PDFGen example library]], which uses a regular C library with a few headers changed around along with an incredible number of imported standard library functions. ---- If you have any questions about the library, please feel free to join [[|the Discord]] and ping [[user:geek]] or [[user:cloakersmoker]] in ''#mcl-mcode-lib''. If you run into any problems, please report them as GitHub issues. ===== Projects using MCL ===== * [[libraries:json:cjson|]] * ===== Usage Guide ===== ==== From Compiled Code ==== The header ''mcl.h'' provides macros for "talking" to AHK from your code, mainly, this means exporting a function to AHK, or having AHK import a function from a ''.dll'' file before loading your code. However, this header is not needed. By default, the ''%%__main%%'' function will be called if there are no exported functions, or if ''mcl.h'' is not used at all. These macros are as follows: * ''MCL_EXPORT(Name, [Type1, Arg1, Type2, Arg2, ReturnType])'' will export the function ''Name'' to AHK, allowing the function to be called as a library method. * ''MCL_EXPORT_INLINE(ReturnType, Name, Parameters)'' will export //and// define ''Name'' at the same time, in the same place. * ''MCL_EXPORT_GLOBAL(Name, Type)'' will export the global variable ''Name'' to AHK, allowing the variable to be get/set as a library property. * ''MCL_IMPORT(ReturnType, DllName, Name, ParameterTypes)'' will import the function ''Name'' from the DLL file ''DllName'', and declare ''Name'' to be a function pointer to said function, with the given ''ReturnType''/''ParameterTypes''. Additionally, MCL provides a limited set of "fake" standard headers, which all either define implementations of common standard library functions, or use ''mcl.h'' to import them from the Windows API. The following headers are provided, but none contain the full set of functions mandated by the C standard: * ''stddef.h'' * ''stdio.h'' (note: does not have a `printf` implementation, but most file based functions should work) * ''stdlib.h'' * ''string.h'' (note: only implements very common operations) * ''time.h'' If calling a standard library function gives you an error, then that function isn't implemented. Feel free to open an issue to request having the function added. In %%C++%%, ''mcl.h'' uses ''malloc''/''free'' in order to implement the global ''new''/''delete'' operators, allowing you to use them in your %%C++%%. For an example of using ''new''/''delete'', see ''%%Examples/C++_with_new_delete.ahk%%''. MCL also provides a limited set of "fake" Windows API headers, designed to make interoperability with the Windows API based on MS documentation examples easier. These do not and are not intended to match the Windows SDK originals, but follow along with similar naming at a much smaller coverage. The following headers are provided: * ''windows.h'' (note: defines data types as specified here * ''oaidl.h'' (note: defines some common COM types) ==== From AutoHotkey ==== In AHK, MCL provides all functionality through the ''MCL'' class. Any method which is described as "returning compiled code" returns an object that wraps the exported functions and global variables as methods and properties respectively. The object is also callable, in which case it will invoke any export named "%%__main%%". Now, for the API: * ''MCL.FromC(Code, Options := MCL.Options.OutputAHKBit)'' and ''MCL.FromCPP(Code, Options := MCL.Options.OutputAHKBit)'' compile ''Code'' as %%C/C++%% (throwing an exception for any compile errors) and returns the compiled code. * ''MCL.FromString(Code)'' loads `Code`, which is pre-compiled code packed into a string (returned by one of the following methods) and returns the loaded compiled code. * ''MCL.AHKFromC(Code, Options := MCL.Options.OutputAHKBit)'' and ''MCL.AHKFromCPP(Code, Options := MCL.Options.OutputAHKBit)'' are like `MCL.FromC()`/`MCL.FromCPP()`, but pack the compiled code into a string which ''MCL.FromString(Code)'' can load. * ''MCL.StandaloneAHKFromC(Code, Options := MCL.Options.OutputAHKBit, Name := "MyC")'' and ''MCL.StandaloneAHKFromCPP(Code, Options := MCL.Options.OutputAHKBit, Name := "MyCPP")'' are like `MCL.AHKFromC(Code)`, but return code which does not require MCL at all, and can be used without including ''MCL.ahk''. This code will be formatted as a single function or class, which returns the compiled code in the same format as all other functions. For any method which takes an ''Options'' parameter, the following options can be provided to control the bitness/format of the generated code: * ''MCL.Options.OutputAHKBit'' generates code which will run in ''A_PtrSize * 8'' AHK. So, on AHK U32, this flag tells MCL to generate 32 bit code. On AHK U64, this flag tells MCL to generate 64 bit code. * ''MCL.Options.Output32Bit'' generates 32 bit code, ignoring the bitness of the AHK executable. * ''MCL.Options.Output64Bit'' generates 64 bit code, ignoring the bitness of the AHK executable. * ''MCL.Options.OutputBothBit'' is only valid for methods which generate AHK code, such as ''MCL.AHKFromC'' or ''MCL.StandaloneAHKFromCPP''. Generates code which is both 32 and 64 bit, and can run under either. This means compiling the code twice, once for each bitness. This also effectively doubles the size of the code. However, if MCL is running under 32 bit AHK, the options ''MCL.Options.Output64Bit'' and ''MCL.Options.OutputBothBit'' will not work. This is because processing 64 bit code/data requires using 64 bit integers, which are not supported by 32 bit AHK. Additionally, the following flag exists for the ''MCL.AHKFromC'' and ''MCL.AHKFromCPP'' methods: * ''MCL.Options.DoNotFormat'' Do not format the resulting code as an AHK string literal, instead simply return it as a string. This allows for chaining, like ''MCL.FromString(MCL.AHKFromC(Code, MCL.Options.DoNotFormat))''. And that's it. ===== Differences ===== Compared to tools like [[|MCode4GCC]] or [[|mcode-generator]], MCL has a much shorter list of limitations. With MCL, you can define multiple functions, use global variables, and use function pointers (ex: ''return &some_function_defined_in_c;'' will return a valid pointer). Generally, any language feature supported by standard C should work. If you find something that doesn't, please report it as an issue. ===== Examples ===== ==== CPlusPlus with New and Delete ==== <tabbox AutoHotkey v1> <runner ahk> #Include <MCL> CPP = ( % #include <stdlib.h> class Point { public: Point(int NX, int NY) { X = NX; Y = NY; } private: int X; int Y; }; Point* __main(int X, int Y) { return new Point(X, Y); } ) pCode := MCL.FromCPP(CPP) pPoint := DllCall(pCode, "Int", 20, "Int", 30, "Ptr") MsgBox, % NumGet(pPoint+0, 0, "Int") ", " NumGet(pPoint+0, 4, "Int") </runner> <tabbox AutoHotkey v2> <runner ahk2> #Requires AutoHotkey v2.0 #include <MCL> lib := MCL.FromCPP(" ( #include <stdlib.h> class Point { public: Point(int NX, int NY) { X = NX; Y = NY; } private: int X; int Y; }; MCL_EXPORT(Call, Int, x, Int, y, Ptr) Point* Call(int X, int Y) { return new Point(X, Y); } )") pPoint := lib(20, 30) MsgBox NumGet(pPoint, 0, "Int") ", " NumGet(pPoint, 4, "Int") </runner> </tabbox> ==== C as Library ==== <tabbox AutoHotkey v1> <runner ahk> #Include <MCL> C = ( % #include <mcl.h> MCL_EXPORT_INLINE(int, Add, (int Left, int Right)) { return Left + Right; } MCL_EXPORT_INLINE(int, Multiply, (int Left, int Right)) { return Left * Right; } int unused() { return 20; } ) Code := MCL.FromC(C) Added := DllCall(Code.Add, "Int", 300, "Int", -20, "Int") MsgBox, % Added Multiplied := DllCall(Code.Multiply, "Int", Added, "Int", 2, "Int") MsgBox, % Multiplied </runner> <tabbox AutoHotkey v2> <runner ahk2> #Include <MCL> lib := MCL.FromC(" ( #include <mcl.h> MCL_EXPORT(Add, Int, left, Int, right, Int) int Add(int left, int right) { return left + right; } MCL_EXPORT(Multiply, Int, left, Int, right, Int) int Multiply(int left, int right) { return left * right; } int unused() { return 20; } )") Added := lib.Add(300, -20) MsgBox Added Multiplied := lib.Multiply(Added, 2) MsgBox Multiplied </runner> </tabbox> ==== C Return Struct to AHK ==== <tabbox AutoHotkey v1> <runner ahk> #Include <MCL> C = ( % #include <stdlib.h> typedef struct { int X; int Y; } Point; Point* __main(int a, int b) { Point* P = malloc(sizeof(Point)); P->X = a; P->Y = b; return P; } ) Code := MCL.AHKFromC(C, MCL.Options.DoNotFormat) ; Compile and stringify the code, but don't format it as an AHK string literal (since we're going to load it again momentarily) pCode := MCL.FromString(Code) pPoint := DllCall(pCode, "Int", 20, "Int", 30, "CDecl Ptr") MsgBox, % NumGet(pPoint+0, 0, "Int") ", " NumGet(pPoint+0, 4, "Int") </runner> <tabbox AutoHotkey v2> <runner ahk2> #Include <MCL> lib := MCL.FromC(" ( #include <stdlib.h> typedef struct { int X; int Y; } Point; MCL_EXPORT(Call, Int, a, Int, b, Ptr) Point* Call(int a, int b) { Point* P = malloc(sizeof(Point)); P->X = a; P->Y = b; return P; } )") pPoint := lib(20, 30) MsgBox NumGet(pPoint, 0, "Int") ", " NumGet(pPoint, 4, "Int") </runner> </tabbox> ==== C Set Global from AHK ==== <tabbox AutoHotkey v1> <runner ahk> #Include %A_ScriptDir%/../ #include MCL.ahk C = ( % #include <mcl.h> int SavedValue = 10; MCL_EXPORT_GLOBAL(SavedValue); int __main(int NewValue) { int Result = SavedValue; SavedValue = NewValue; return Result; } ) Code := MCL.FromC(C) NumPut(20, Code.SavedValue, 0, "Int") MsgBox, % DllCall(Code.__main, "Int", 30, "CDecl Int") MsgBox, % DllCall(Code.__main, "Int", 40, "CDecl Int") MsgBox, % NumGet(Code.SavedValue, 0, "Int") </runner> <tabbox AutoHotkey v2> <runner ahk2> #Include <MCL> lib := MCL.FromC(" ( #include <mcl.h> MCL_EXPORT_GLOBAL(savedValue, Int) int savedValue = 10; MCL_EXPORT(Call, Int, newValue, Int) int Call(int newValue) { int result = savedValue; savedValue = newValue; return result; } )") lib.savedValue := 20 MsgBox lib(30) MsgBox lib(40) MsgBox lib.savedValue </runner> </tabbox> ==== C with Floats ==== <tabbox AutoHotkey v1> <runner ahk> #Include <MCL> C = ( % double __main(double In) { return In * 2.5; } ) pCode := MCL.FromC(C) MsgBox, % DllCall(pCode, "Double", 11.7, "Double") </runner> <tabbox AutoHotkey v2> <runner ahk2> #Include <MCL> lib := MCL.FromC(" ( #include <mcl.h> MCL_EXPORT(Call, Double, in, Double) double Call(double in) { return in * 2.5; } )") MsgBox lib(11.7) </runner> </tabbox> ==== C Write to File ==== <tabbox AutoHotkey v1> <runner ahk> #Include <MCL> C = ( % #include <stdio.h> void __main(int Value) { FILE* f = fopen("test.txt", "w"); fputs("Hello world!\n", f); fprintf(f, "The number is: %i\n", Value); fclose(f); } ) pCode := MCL.FromC(C) DllCall(pCode, "Int", 2931) MsgBox % FileOpen("test.txt", "r").Read() </runner> <tabbox AutoHotkey v2> <runner ahk2> #Include <MCL> lib := MCL.FromC(" ( #include <mcl.h> #include <stdio.h> MCL_EXPORT(Call, Int, value) void Call(int value) { FILE* f = fopen("test.txt", "w"); fputs("Hello world!\n", f); fprintf(f, "The number is: %i\n", value); fclose(f); } )") lib(2931) MsgBox FileRead("test.txt") </runner> </tabbox> ==== Import DLL with Headers (Lua) ==== <runner ahk2> #Requires AutoHotkey v2 #DllLoad Z:\ahk2\lua\lua54.dll #Include <MCL> FileCopy "Z:\ahk2\lua\include\*.h", A_WorkingDir lib := MCL.FromC(" ( #include <mcl.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <string.h> #include "lua.h" #include "lauxlib.h" #include "lualib.h" #define MCL_IMPORT_SOURCE lua54 MCL_IMPORT_DECLARED_FROM(luaL_newstate); MCL_IMPORT_DECLARED_FROM(luaL_openlibs); MCL_IMPORT_DECLARED_FROM(luaL_loadstring); MCL_IMPORT_DECLARED_FROM(lua_pcallk); MCL_IMPORT_DECLARED_FROM(lua_close); lua_State *L; MCL_EXPORT(init, Int) void init() { L = luaL_newstate(); luaL_openlibs(L); } MCL_EXPORT(dostring, AStr, str, Int) int dostring(char* str) { return luaL_loadstring(L, str) || lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0); } MCL_EXPORT(close, Int) void close() { lua_close(L); } )") lib.init() lib.dostring('print("Hello from Lua!")') lib.close() </runner>