Table of Contents


Detecting Joystick Inputs

To begin using your joystick with AutoHotkey, you need to detect the inputs (buttons, axes, etc.) and identify their corresponding identifiers in AHK.

Basic Detection Script

Create a new AHK script file (e.g., joystick_test.ahk) and paste the following code:

#Requires AutoHotkey v1.1
#SingleInstance Force
SetTimer, WatchJoystick, 10
JoyX := GetKeyState("JoyX")
JoyY := GetKeyState("JoyY")
JoyZ := GetKeyState("JoyZ")
JoyR := GetKeyState("JoyR")
JoyU := GetKeyState("JoyU")
JoyV := GetKeyState("JoyV")
JoyButtons := ""
Loop, 32 {
    if GetKeyState("Joy" . A_Index)
        JoyButtons .= "Joy" . A_Index . " "
ToolTip, X%JoyX% Y%JoyY% Z%JoyZ% R%JoyR% U%JoyU% V%JoyV%`n%JoyButtons%

This script continuously monitors joystick inputs and displays them in a tooltip. Run this script and move your joystick or press its buttons to see the corresponding values and identifiers.

Basic Joystick Scripts

Remapping Joystick Buttons

You can remap joystick buttons to keyboard keys using the following syntax:

#Requires AutoHotkey v1.1
Joy1::Send, {Space}   ; Remaps joystick button 1 to the spacebar
Joy2::Send, {Enter}   ; Remaps joystick button 2 to the enter key

Save and run this script, and pressing joystick button 1 will simulate pressing the spacebar, while button 2 will simulate pressing the enter key.

Using Joystick Axes

You can also use joystick axes to control various functions. For example, to control the mouse cursor with a joystick:

#Requires AutoHotkey v1.1
SetTimer, WatchJoystick, 10
JoyX := GetKeyState("JoyX", "P") ; Get X-axis position
JoyY := GetKeyState("JoyY", "P") ; Get Y-axis position
JoyX := JoyX/100 * 5  ; Scale the axis value
JoyY := JoyY/100 * 5
MouseMove, JoyX, JoyY, 0, R  ; Move the mouse cursor

This script scales the joystick's X and Y axis values and moves the mouse cursor accordingly.

Advanced Configurations

Combining Inputs

You can create more complex scripts by combining multiple joystick inputs. For instance, to perform different actions based on combinations of buttons and axes:

#Requires AutoHotkey v1.1
#SingleInstance Force
Joy1 & Joy2::Send, ^c  ; Ctrl+C when both button 1 and 2 are pressed together
Joy1 & Joy3::Send, ^v  ; Ctrl+V when button 1 and 3 are pressed together
SetTimer, CheckAxis, 10
JoyX := GetKeyState("JoyX", "P")
JoyY := GetKeyState("JoyY", "P")
if (JoyX > 70) and (JoyY < 30)
    Send, {Left}
else if (JoyX < 30) and (JoyY > 70)
    Send, {Right}

This script sends `Ctrl+C` when buttons 1 and 2 are pressed simultaneously, `Ctrl+V` when buttons 1 and 3 are pressed, and moves the cursor left or right based on joystick axis positions.

Creating Custom Functions

For more advanced usage, you can define custom functions that are triggered by joystick inputs:

#Requires AutoHotkey v1.1
#SingleInstance Force
    MsgBox, Joystick Button 1 Pressed!
    ; Add custom code here

This script calls the `CustomFunction()` whenever joystick button 1 is pressed, and you can insert any custom code within this function.