====== Joysticks ====== https://github.com/nefarius/HidHide ===== Detecting Joystick Inputs ===== To begin using your joystick with AutoHotkey, you need to detect the inputs (buttons, axes, etc.) and identify their corresponding identifiers in AHK. ==== Basic Detection Script ==== Create a new AHK script file (e.g., ''joystick_test.ahk'') and paste the following code: #Requires AutoHotkey v1.1 #Persistent #SingleInstance Force SetTimer, WatchJoystick, 10 return WatchJoystick: JoyX := GetKeyState("JoyX") JoyY := GetKeyState("JoyY") JoyZ := GetKeyState("JoyZ") JoyR := GetKeyState("JoyR") JoyU := GetKeyState("JoyU") JoyV := GetKeyState("JoyV") JoyButtons := "" Loop, 32 { if GetKeyState("Joy" . A_Index) JoyButtons .= "Joy" . A_Index . " " } ToolTip, X%JoyX% Y%JoyY% Z%JoyZ% R%JoyR% U%JoyU% V%JoyV%`n%JoyButtons% return This script continuously monitors joystick inputs and displays them in a tooltip. Run this script and move your joystick or press its buttons to see the corresponding values and identifiers. ===== Basic Joystick Scripts ===== ==== Remapping Joystick Buttons ==== You can remap joystick buttons to keyboard keys using the following syntax: #Requires AutoHotkey v1.1 Joy1::Send, {Space} ; Remaps joystick button 1 to the spacebar Joy2::Send, {Enter} ; Remaps joystick button 2 to the enter key Save and run this script, and pressing joystick button 1 will simulate pressing the spacebar, while button 2 will simulate pressing the enter key. ==== Using Joystick Axes ==== You can also use joystick axes to control various functions. For example, to control the mouse cursor with a joystick: #Requires AutoHotkey v1.1 #Persistent SetTimer, WatchJoystick, 10 return WatchJoystick: JoyX := GetKeyState("JoyX", "P") ; Get X-axis position JoyY := GetKeyState("JoyY", "P") ; Get Y-axis position JoyX := JoyX/100 * 5 ; Scale the axis value JoyY := JoyY/100 * 5 MouseMove, JoyX, JoyY, 0, R ; Move the mouse cursor return This script scales the joystick's X and Y axis values and moves the mouse cursor accordingly. ===== Advanced Configurations ===== ==== Combining Inputs ==== You can create more complex scripts by combining multiple joystick inputs. For instance, to perform different actions based on combinations of buttons and axes: #Requires AutoHotkey v1.1 #Persistent #SingleInstance Force Joy1 & Joy2::Send, ^c ; Ctrl+C when both button 1 and 2 are pressed together Joy1 & Joy3::Send, ^v ; Ctrl+V when button 1 and 3 are pressed together SetTimer, CheckAxis, 10 return CheckAxis: JoyX := GetKeyState("JoyX", "P") JoyY := GetKeyState("JoyY", "P") if (JoyX > 70) and (JoyY < 30) { Send, {Left} } else if (JoyX < 30) and (JoyY > 70) { Send, {Right} } return This script sends `Ctrl+C` when buttons 1 and 2 are pressed simultaneously, `Ctrl+V` when buttons 1 and 3 are pressed, and moves the cursor left or right based on joystick axis positions. ==== Creating Custom Functions ==== For more advanced usage, you can define custom functions that are triggered by joystick inputs: #Requires AutoHotkey v1.1 #Persistent #SingleInstance Force Joy1::CustomFunction() CustomFunction() { MsgBox, Joystick Button 1 Pressed! ; Add custom code here } return This script calls the `CustomFunction()` whenever joystick button 1 is pressed, and you can insert any custom code within this function.